Countries and VAT

Countries and VAT

Besides shipping management, in the screens for Countries and Shipping you set up all available countries, states, counties and cities. Countries and States are pre-filled out of the box, if you want to make the customer choose his county or have him select a city instead of entering the city name, you can add this information.

VAT rules in countries

For each country (or state) you can define if VAT is charged. For EU VAT rules you simply state if the country is within the EU VAT zone (CB has up-to-date data as per February 2018).

Overriding tax rates in countries and states

In countries and states you can also OVERRIDE the tax rate for each tax class you have set up.

Additional taxes for counties and cities

In counties and cities you can enter a percentage that will be ADDED to the country/state tax rate. This accommodates the tax system for the United States, Canada and other countries. 

Please note that the individual taxes are not displayed separately, but as one compound tax rate.

Predefined City Lists

Adding cities at Countries and Shipping -> Cities forces the customer to select a city from a searchable drop-down list instead of letting him enter the city name in a text field. Cities are connected to counties, so you need to enter counties and their cities. Please note that you need to have a complete city list for a county, otherwise customers from other cities cannot order or request quotes. You can have a mix of counties with and without predefined cities. The forms will show the appropriate form field as the customer selects the county.

Please note that IP Geolocation cannot determine the county in any case and cannot determine the city if you use predefined cities.


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