Joomla Menu Items to ConfigBox Pages

To display ConfigBox pages on your website, you use menu items just as any other component.

Go to “Menus – Your Menu” and click “New”, then choose the menu type. ConfigBox offers multiple menu item types with parameters. The most important one is the type “ConfigBox – Product Listing” which will show all your products or a listing of certain products (grouped by product listings).

Menu Types from ConfigBox

  • ConfigBox – Configurator Page
    A link to a configurator page of a product.

  • ConfigBox – Cart
    Link to the ConfigBox shopping cart.

  • ConfigBox – Product Details
    Link to a defined product details page.

  • ConfigBox – Product Listing
    Link to a page that shows all your products or products of a certain listing if defined.

  • Order Management – Refund Policy Page
    Link to the RP as defined in the Shop Data of ConfigBox Order Management.

  • Order Management – Terms and Conditions
    Link to the TOC as defined in the Shop Data.

  • Order Management – Customer Profile Page

  • Order Management – Edit Profile Page

  • Order Management – Login Form (you can also use a standard Joomla login form)

  • Order Management – Register Form (you can also use a standard Joomla registration form)

How SEF URLs are generated

ConfigBox uses the Joomla framework to create SEF URLs. The use of third party tools to manipulate URLs is not supported and we recommend disabling them for ConfigBox pages.

Important note: You need to enable Search Engine Friendly URLs in the Joomla Global Configuration to benefit from ConfigBox SEF URLs.

How ConfigBox SEF-URLs are built

ConfigBox analyses the menu item structure and determines the optimal SEF-URL for pages. In general it uses the most specific menu item. When two equally specific menu items are found, parent menu items of the current page are prioritised. In the following you see the order in which pages are checked.

Product listings:

  • Menu item of type ‘Product Listing’ with a matching listing id

  • Menu item of type ‘Product Listing’ with no defined listing id

Product Page:

  • Menu item of type ‘Product Page’ with a matching product id

  • Menu item of type ‘Product Listing’ that contains the product (product alias is appended)

  • Menu item of type ‘Product Listing’ with no defined listing id (product alias is appended)

Configurator page:

  • Menu item of type ‘Configurator Page’ with a matching page id

  • Menu item of type ‘Configurator Page’ with a matching product id (page alias is appended)

  • Menu item of type ‘Product Page’ with a matching product id (page alias is appended)

  • Menu item of type ‘Product Listing’ that contains the product (product and page alias is appended)

  • Menu item of type ‘Product Listing’ with no defined listing id (product and page alias is appended)