Email Notifications

Email Notifications

Email notifications are automatically sent when the status of an order changes. You define which notifications are sent to the customer and/or to the shop manager and which subject and content the email should contain.

Store manager emails go to the address you set up at Store Information -> Email 

Note: Below ‘Email to Customer` there is another section `Email to Shop Manager`

Enter an internal name and choose the order status on which the email should be sent.

Subject and email HTML is the content of your email. You find a list of available placeholders on the right side of the edit form.

Notification snippets

Apart from the placeholders, you have notification snippets. Use these to insert precompiled data in your email. You add the placeholders in curly brackets in the email HTML. See {element_order_overview} or {element_store_information} for reference.


This snippet inserts an overview table with positions, shipping and totals to your email.


This snippet adds your store contact information (managed in Store Information) and links to terms and conditions and refund policy. It contains all information that is mandatory in German ecommerce statutes.

Important note: To avoid layout problems in email clients, place snippet placeholders in a <div> element. Select the placeholder and click Formats -> Blocks -> Div (see screenshot below).

Custom notification snippets

Developers can create custom snippets for convenience. For details see the Custom Notification snippets section.

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