Upgrade on Wordpress with CB Customizations

Upgrade on Wordpress with CB Customizations

Version 3.3.0 has a transition of the ConfigBox customization directory. We made it so that future upgrades can be done using the same procedure as installations (prior to 3.3.0 an installation over an existing one with customizations would have removed the customization directory). If you upgrade to version 3.3.0 (or higher) and have customizations to ConfigBox, please follow this procedure before the upgrade:

  1. Go to the directory /wp-content/plugins/configbox/app/data

  2. Rename the directory ‘customization’ to ‘configbox-customization’

  3. Move this directory to the directory /wp-content/plugins/

  4. Delete the directory /wp-content/plugins/configbox/app/data

This is needed only once. Future upgrades are done the same way as Installations. See Installation Guide for Wordpress.

How do I know if I got customizations?

See if the directory /wp-content/plugins/configbox/app/data/customization exists. If there is one, you have customizations in your site.