KenedoProperty Type Ordering

KenedoProperty Type Ordering

PHP class: KenedoPropertyOrdering
Recommended column type: INT UNSIGNED - add an index
Object var: As property name

Use it for data sets that involve the admin’s ability to sort records. The framework will add UI elements for admin’s to sort records and to set

Typical Property Settings Array

$propDefs['ordering'] = array( 'name'=>'ordering', 'type'=>'ordering', 'label'=>KText::_('Ordering'), 'group'=>'product_id', 'positionList'=>5, 'canSortBy'=>true, );

Property settings


Required: no
Valid Values: string - name of a property in the model

In case your model is part of a hierarchy of models (e.g. Products → Pages → Questions), then provide the Join Property’s name. The sorting system will group the records by the values of that join property.

canSortBy and positionList

Required: yes

You must allow sorting by this property and have the property display in lists in order for drag’n’drop sorting work.

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