KenedoProperty Type String

KenedoProperty Type String

PHP class: KenedoPropertyString
Recommended column type: any string type suitable for the purpose (or DECIMAL for numbers, see below)
Variable name in data object: As property name

Using stringType settings

For different purposes, use one of the string types - you can use it for numbers or prices specifically.

  • string: Regular string

  • number: Decimal symbols get normalised to a dot during storing and localised when displayed.

  • stringOrNumber: Like number in case the entry was a number

  • price: Gets displayed formatting in backend list view

Property Settings


Required: yes
Valid values: ‘string’, ‘number’, ‘stringOrNumber’ and ‘price’

See above


Required: no
Valid values: string

Use it to show a unit next to the input field.


Required: no
Valid values: integers

Define how many characters can be entered in the text field (does not apply to textareas or HTML editor).


Required: no
Valid values: string

  • Use 'USE_HTMLEDITOR ALLOW_HTML' to display the property as HTML editor.

  • Use ‘USE_TEXTAREA’ to display the property as multi-line text field (textarea).

Example settings:

$propDefs['sku'] = array( 'name'=>'sku', 'type'=>'string', 'label'=>KText::_('FIELD_LABEL_COMPONENT_SKU'), 'tooltip'=>KText::_('TOOLTIP_COMPONENT_SKU'), 'stringType'=>'string' 'size'=>'50', ... );