Installation after Marketplace Purchase

Installation after Marketplace Purchase

Use this guide if you purchased ConfigBox via the Magento Marketplace. If you install the software with Composer, use this guide instead.

Purchase ConfigBox on the Magento Marketplace

Purchase the extension through the Magento Marketplace. After completing the purchase, the extension will be shown in your account under My Purchases.

Create Access Keys

Create access keys in your Magento Marketplace account (if you haven’t done so already).

Go to Web Setup Wizard in your Magento store

Make sure that the Magento website is in developer mode and then head to System > Web Setup Wizard.

Choose the Component Manager and then hit “Sign In” (if not done prior) using the Access Keys created for your Marketplace account (in step 2 above).

Click the button ‘Sync’ and then click “Install”

Select the Rovexo ConfigBox extension and hit the Install button. Follow the 3 Steps of the Setup Process by using the Next buttons. Please refer to Magento’s troubleshooting guide, if you encounter any errors.

Hit the Install button and wait for the installation process to finish.

Next Steps

Navigate to ConfigBox to start the post installation assistant.